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We are moving from Activity Based Workplace (ABW) to Outcomes Based Workplace (OBW). 


During this transition, technology deployments to connect the physical and digital workplace become increasingly critical. These newer systems and the necessity of using existing systems in new ways effect occupant satisfaction and system adoption.  

The investments for this transition is easily in millions of dollars and have high expectations. The focus will be on priorities, dashboards, and metrics to inform iterative optimization projects.

However, our extensive market research indicates corporations have limited to no visibility of the usage and utilization of spaces or technologies which could lead to underutilized facilities and poor occupant experience. 

The WX Agile Pilot

Cognitive collects data for the full gamut of collaboration technology. Our powerful data collector interfaces with nearly 100 different APIs to pull data directly from endpoints, bridges, and gateways no matter where they are; on premise, in the cloud or hosted, in the office or in the home!

Our goal during the pilot is to provide you and the extended team with key metrics as compared to industry averages.  We will provide these insights within the following dimensions:

Adoption Metrics

  • Monthly Active Endpoint (or MAE) ​

  • Meeting (or Host) minutes

  • Participant minutes

Space Utilization Metrics​

  • Meeting Size​

  • Meeting Type

  • Meeting Modality

  • Meeting Duration

 A|B Comparisons

We will provide these core metrics as comparison between similar vendor solutions. We will assist in diagnosing the core cause of preference - change management or fit and function. 

Truly understand workplace needs to intelligently invest in optimization. Better plan real estate buildouts and redeploy technology to the right spaces to match usage and needs. 


The Cognitive pilot provides detailed monthly consultative session to assist your organization in developing policy and procedures, data acquisition standards, IoT sensor guidance, and tactical plan development. 

Using workplace of up-to 25,000 square feet, up-to twenty-five meeting spaces:


Year 1 - $43,000


Includes monthly Cognitive metric reviews with senior staff for the term of the service.

One... simple... fee...


What's stopping you from being the Hero of the new normal? 

It's time - let's get back to the office together.

Thank You

For Your Interest!

Provide us some basic details and we will be certain to get in touch within 48 hours.

Success! - Your journey to optimized starts now.

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